Fizza Mahmood

Fizza Mahmood

A Clinical Pharmacist responsible for helping review and author accurate site content.

Articles written

How does Contrave work for weight loss?
Contrave, in combination with diet and exercise, is used for weight loss.
Is vaping safer than smoking?
Explore If vaping is safer than smoking.
What does nicotine do to the body?
Learn how nicotine affects different parts of our body
How much nicotine is in a cigarette vs vape?
Nicotine is found in cigarette and vapes, discover how much nicotine is in both.
A guide on how to use Mounjaro Kwikpen
A guide on how to use the Mounjaro Kwikpen effectively.
Food for Health – Making Healthy Food Choices
On World Food Day – Learn to make Healthy Food Choices
The Foods To Eat On Saxenda
Explore the foods to consume whilst on Saxenda for improved health.
What to do when I miss my birth control pill?
What to do when I miss my birth control pill?
How to take a contraceptive pill effectively?
Learn how to effectively use the contraceptive pill.
Healthy Heart and Weight Loss
On World Heart Day it is important to understand the link between weight and heart.