Fizza Mahmood

Fizza Mahmood

A Clinical Pharmacist responsible for helping review and author accurate site content.

Articles written

How to take sildenafil effectively?
Learn how to take sildenafil effectively.
Health benefits of quitting smoking
Learn the health and other benefits of quitting smoking.
What is the average penis size?
Explore the average size of the male penis?
Finasteride before and after: A timeline of finasteride results
Explore finasteride, before and after timeline of results.
What is Adult acne and adult acne treatment?
Acne is usually defined as a teen issue, however it can be present in adults too. Learn the cause of adult acne and the possible treatment options.
How to avoid Jet lag?
Explore how to avoid jet lag and how to best treat it.
Psoriasis Symptoms and Psoriasis Treatments 
Dive into what Psoriasis is, what are its symptoms and treatments.
Allergic rhinitis (Hay fever) and allergy symptoms
Explore hay fever symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Cold sore symptoms and cold sore treatment 
Learn the cold sores symptoms and cold sore treatment options.
Compound Ozempic, is it safe?
Compounding Semaglutide has been popular whilst Ozempic has been in short supply. Explore if compounding Ozempic, is safe.